Distributing & Promoting your ‘Video’ or ‘Commercial’ online
At ImageLink Film & Media, we can assist you with the formulating and implementation of a comprehensive Distribution and Promotion Campaign for your Video(s). This will involve identifying the best distribution methods for your video content - whether it is a long form video or a commercial-style ‘advert’ for your business. Once the Distribution Strategy (including assessment of the best ‘uploading’ options) is in place, we can also assist with the Promotion of the video (across various online platforms and Social Media Networks). Finally, the monitoring of the campaign will involve Analysing and Adapting the promotional strategy, which will ensure that your video achieves the widest reach (with the relevant target market) thus maximising the chances of it achieving its predetermined objectives.
There are a number of different options available for uploading the completed video online. The objective is always to reach the widest possible target audience for the content of the video. We can assist you with uploading your company video to the most appropriate online Video Hosting Platform. YouTube, which is now the world’s second largest search engine after Google, is often an appropriate choice. But this is not always the case. It depends on the business function that the video has been created to serve. Other uploading options include Vimeo and Facebook among others. Each Video Hosting service offers its own unique advantages. We will assess which hosting service is best suited to achieving the objectives of each unique video production.
There are also options to be considered with regard to making the video content available on your company website. (The various options are discussed in detail below). Ensuring that the video is viewable on your company website will assist improving the search engine ranking for your company website (as well as adding to the professional look of the website).
At ImageLink Film & Media, we can assist our clients with achieving their Video Distribution and Marketing Objectives through direct consultations as well as by working with our Digital Marketing Partners to help you promote your video online.
Distributing & Promoting your Video
Distributing & Promoting your video involves a number of steps. The first step involves distribution of the video so as to make the video available on the appropriate Video Hosting Platform(s) as well as on your company website.
The next step is to use social media and other promotional techniques to get as many relevant viewers as possible to engage with your video.
Over time you then need to analyse the viewing statistics data using analytics software. The final step is to learn from the analysed data and use the insights gained to fine tune your promotional efforts.
The steps in the Video Distribution & Promotion stage include ...
- Distribute your video (website & online channels)
- Promote your video (social media and advertising)
- Analyse your viewing figures and statistics
- Adapt accordingly and improve performance
- Create a follow-on video and repeat the process
The Distribution Process
Once the video has been produced the next step is to try to reach the relevant target market for your message. It is important to focus on the quantity of views as well as the quality of views. The most important views are views by individuals that represent genuine prospects for the products and services that your company offers. Ideally just as much effort should be put into distributing and promoting your video as went into making it. It makes a lot of sense that after investing much time and effort into the production of the video, that it now gets as many relevant views as possible. Promoting the video on numerous online locations will increase the opportunity for increased views, likes and shares of the video, thus further increasing the marketing reach for the video.
There are a number of possible distribution channels for your new video including ...
- Embed the video on your Company Website
- Upload the video to YouTube
- Upload the video to your Facebook Business Page
- Upload the video to other video sharing websites, such as Vimeo
- Use your video as a Sales Aid at Sales Meetings (for new prospects & existing clients) and at Conference Presentations and Trade Shows.
Promotional Options include …
- Promote your video on Social Media
- Link to your video from Industry Discussion Forums
- Run the ‘Commercial’ Video as an advert on YouTube
- Run the video as a Facebook Promoted Post
- Run the video as a Linked-In Promoted Post
- Create a Google Ads Campaign for longer videos
- Embed the video in your company Blog
- Embed the video on relevant industry Blogs
- Show your video at Trade shows, Conferences & Industry Events
- Create an email marketing campaign attaching the video (link)
The first and most obvious method of making your company video available to a relevant target market is to make your video available on your company website. The advantage of having the video content available on your company website is that you are sure to keep the visitor on your website. This helps with SEO for the website and also means that you have the potential client where you want them most. That is, engaging with your company’s products and services directly on your company website. This will hopefully bring them closer to moving through the marketing/purchase funnel process - to the point of making a purchase or availing of a service from your company.
Advantages of ‘Embedding’ video
– over ‘Self-hosting’
A key consideration is to make sure that the video runs smoothly and downloads quickly for the viewer. Any possibility of issues in this area mean other options should be carefully considered as seamless viewer engagement is what we are aiming for in all Video Marketing Strategies. The speed at which your video appears on the user’s device is a critical consideration.
Drawbacks of ‘Self Hosting’ your videos directly on your company website server
The ‘Self Hosting’ option (outlined above) has a number of potential drawbacks. For example, you may need the assistance and advice of a Website Designer if you are considering hosting the video and delivering it directly from your company website.
The website designer will probably have to install some Video Player software on the website. There may also be a requirement to install extra software ‘plug-ins’ to enable the video player to detect the type of device, the type of browser, and the internet connection speed for the device that the viewer is using. These variables can mean that you will need to have created and uploaded different formats of the same video - in order to enable the hosting server to stream the most appropriate version of the video to the viewer - depending on the variable mentioned above. For example, slower internet connection speeds could require that a lower resolution version of the video be streamed to deal with this issue.
Server Bandwidth: Video files can be large (this matters for uploading and viewing). Smaller website hosting companies need to be allocated their available bandwidth resources between uploads to, and downloads from the server. If there are a lot of demands on the server’s bandwidth at the same time, this can result in limited ‘upload’ bandwidth of a single server, which can result in very slow upload speeds, or technical issues for large files being uploaded (such as video content).
File Size Limits / Storage Space Limits: Most web hosting companies have a limit to the size of files that can be uploaded to each website (that they provide a hosting service for). This limitation could mean that you can only upload very short videos (ie. smaller video file sizes) - as file sizes for video content can often run to several Gigabytes (even after compressing the file with compression software – such as HandBrake).
Even if you get your first video uploaded successfully, uploading subsequent videos could easily result in you exceeding the overall limit to the maximum storage space allocated for your website. Understandably these smaller Web Hosting companies need to impose some limit to allocated space for each website in order to manage their available resources (& allocate time for backups etc).
There are also potential considerations of available downloading bandwidth (for downloading from your website’s hosting company). This is likely as the video file will be hosted on a shared server (with other company’s websites also competing for a finite amount of available bandwidth). This could become even more important as your video starts to achieve high levels of views.
Viewing issues such as slow loading of video and ‘freezing/pausing’ of video content when the video is being viewed is likely to result - as the device they are viewing on waits for the content to download completely.
Hosting your video on a professional Video Hosting Service and streaming your videos from the hosting company servers (on your website) offers numerous advantages – over uploading to your own website hosting server.
Advantages of ‘Embedding the Video’ on your Website
At ImageLink Film & Media, we recommend implementing the option of hosting your video online (on a professional Video Hosting Platform) and linking to this video on your website. For example, you can upload your video to YouTube or Vimeo and then use the ‘Embed’ Code to embed the YouTube video directly onto your website. YouTube now include this ‘Embed’ option as part of the ‘Share’ option that appears under all YouTube videos. This means that it has never been easier to embed a video from YouTube onto your company website. This is the easiest solution and may be the most effective for your requirements.
Minimum Streaming issues
By first uploading your video to a third party ‘Video Hosting Service’ and then ‘Embedding’ the video content on the website - and streaming the content directly from the third-party servers minimises issues relating to download speeds such as pausing/freezing of the video during the viewing process.
Dynamic Video Serving
The embedded Video Player software provided by the Video Hosting Platform (with the URL code for your video) will be able to automatically detect relevant technical data relating to the viewer - such as what type of device the viewer is using (eg. iPad, laptop, mobile phone) as well as the type of browser and the internet connection speed. It will then serve the appropriate version of the video for the optimum viewing experience (considering the variables just mentioned). The video player software provided (with the URL code) by the third-party Video Hosting service will not require any additional software plugins or configuration by your website designer or IT personnel.
Unlimited Bandwidth
Video Hosting services such as YouTube have huge networks of web servers to deal with download demand. They house the uploaded video content on numerous redundant (backup) servers on the Content Delivery Network (C.D.N.) worldwide. When streaming your video (either through your website or directly on their hosting platform) they can dynamically assesses the location of the viewer and the stream the video content from the node that is nearest to the geographical location of the user – to provide the optimum viewing experience.
Doubling of the online locations for your video – increasing visibility to search engines
It makes a lot of sense to upload your Video to YouTube (and then embed the video on your company website). This means that your video is then potentially available to all of the YouTube users in addition to being available on your company website. Your video can also easily be shared directly on YouTube to various social media channels. There are targeted SEO Strategies that you can implement both on YouTube and directly on your website to maximise the visibility of the video (to Search Engine Algorithms) at both these online locations.
For more information on the best Video SEO Tactics & Strategies click here …
Ease of adding the YouTube Video to your website
Embedding the link (URL Code and video player software) to your YouTube video (so it displays on your website) is as simple as clicking on the ‘Share’ option under your YouTube video. You then simply click on the Embed option to access the code that you will use to embed the video directly onto your website. It is a very straight forward procedure and is a totally free service from YouTube. Other Video Hosting Platforms now provide a similar service – that is quite user-friendly. If you have any difficulties, it is recommended that you can get your website developer to assist you with this.
SEO Advantages of Embedded Website Video
Another advantage of YouTube embedded video on your website is that visitors to your website can help with the YouTube SEO by increasing the number of video views (and hopefully ‘likes’) of the video. This is one of the factors used by YouTube to assign search ranking to video content. Increased views will result in increasing the possibility of your video ranking high on page one of YouTube for relevant searches. At the same time, the Search Engine Ranking of your website will also be increasing – as the amount of time searchers spend on your website is one of the variables that the search engine algorithms use to rank websites, with viewers spending longer on your website resulting in improvements to the search engine ‘search results ranking’ for the website.
Video Hosting Service Providers
There are a number of different potential options in terms of picking which is the best Video Hosting Platform Service Provider to upload your video to. The main options include YouTube, Vimeo and Facebook. There are however numerous other options available online (most of which charge a fee for their services - such as Wistia). Each offers its own unique marketing and analytics features.
The larger Video Hosting service providers do offer the advantages of scale, in that you are unlikely to encounter any bandwidth or data storage limitations with these multi-billion dollar corporations. They have vast I.T. Infrastructure resources available to them in terms of their Content Delivery Network (C.D.N.) and are established brands that you can be confident will be a viable hosting option for your video content well into the future. They all have these attributes in common, but each also offers unique advantages in terms of the options they provide for the users of their video hosting services. We will look at the some of the advantages of uploading your videos to some of the best known (& biggest) Video Hosting Services in more detail below.
Option 1. - YouTube
YouTube is one of the most important video sharing options to consider for uploading your video. As well as being the biggest video sharing website worldwide, it is also the world’s second largest search engine. There are over 300 hours of video uploaded to YouTube every single minute and over 5 billion videos viewed on YouTube every 24 hours. YouTube has a huge audience and by uploading your video to YouTube it will have the potential to show up on any searches on the video hosting platform.
As an option for uploading your video YouTube offers a number of advantages. It is totally free. To upload your video to YouTube is fairly straight forward. As well as using YouTube as a Content Marketing platform you have the option of running shorter Commercial Style videos as adverts to run with videos featured content (for a fee!). Depending on your objectives this option might be worth exploring.
It has a built in ‘likes’ option as well as providing the option for the viewers to ‘Share’ your video on a number of social media platforms. The Social Media platforms presented when the Share option on YouTube is selected include Facebook, Twitter, Google +, Reddit, Blogger, Tumbler, Linked-In, Wykop, Pinterest, StumbleUpon and LiveJournal.
YouTube also facilitates the adding of clickable link buttons in your uploaded video. These can be used to encourage viewers to log on to your websites, or view your next video or subscribe to your YouTube Channel. These are examples of a CTA (Call to Action) and have been shown to be a most effective marketing tool when they appear near the end of the video.
YouTube Analytics
YouTube also provides very useful analytics tools to help you monitor the quantity and quality of views of the video. You can use these tools to help you monitor the number of views, likes, shares etc for each video, as well as seeing the geographic locations of your viewers. It also provides vital statistics relating directly to your video content including how long they spent watching the video. These statistics can be used when analysing how your video is performing and deciding if there is anything that needs improvement for future videos.
YouTube Comments section
The YouTube ‘Comments’ section enables you to receive feedback and to interact with your viewers. This can be a great opportunity to engage with the video’s viewers, which may include existing customers as well as potential new customers.
Note: There is always the possibility of ‘Trolls’ deciding to put some of their unwanted negative input in the comments section. However, because you can have your own YouTube Channel you have the option of removing any comments that are not being helpful to the discussion. If you are not happy with the comments overall regarding the content for a particular video, YouTube gives you the option as the YouTube Channel owner disabling comments completely for any video on your channel. This is very unlikely for promotional business videos but is useful to know about all the same.
Setting up your own ‘YouTube Channel’
Videos uploaded to YouTube need to be uploaded to a specific ‘channel. At ImageLink Film & Media, we can assist you with setting up your own channel if you do not yet have one set up. Once your YouTube Channel has been set up you can use the channel to host all of your videos.
By having your own company (or individual) YouTube Channel, viewers can ‘Subscribe’ to your channel. Once subscribed, then they will receive an email alerting them every time you upload a new video. Because they have already shown their interest in the content of your videos, they are likely to view follow up videos. As subscribers to your channel, they will also have the option of browsing the video content on the channel (which will result in increased numbers of views for each video). Increased ‘Views’, ‘Likes’, ‘Shares’ all helps your video rank higher on YouTube searches.
Note: You can provide an individual title and description for each video that you upload to your channel. It is always important to be mindful to use keyword phrases in the title and description so as to increase the chances of your video being displayed for relevant searches. You are also given the option to include ‘Tags’ for your video. These are not available to the viewing public but are used by search engines to learn more about the content of the video, and so increase the chances of your video displaying in the search results.
At ImageLink Film & Media, we assist our clients in reaching the maximum relevant target audience for any video we create. This includes assisting clients create a YouTube Channel, Uploading of Video Content and analysing viewing statistics.
One possible disadvantage of hosting video content on YouTube is that the YouTube logo is always visible on the video when it is embedded on your company website – and is being viewed on the company website (as opposed to on a YouTube Channel). Depending on your Branding objectives this might not suit some businesses. It also presents the possibility that while watching the embedded video on your website the viewer might click on the YouTube icon and they end up leaving your website. If this is an issue, then some other Video Hosting platforms could be considered as an alternative video hosting solution. Vimeo is a good example of a hosting platform that does not have this issue.
Option 2. Vimeo
Vimeo is exclusively a Video Hosting Platform that is similar to YouTube in many ways. You can set up your own ‘Vimeo channel’, upload video content and provide text-based descriptions of the video content in the title, description and tags (in the video settings interface). The viewers are also given the option to ‘like’ and ‘share’ the content as with YouTube. Vimeo Statistics can be used (in a similar way to YouTube Analytics) to monitor the viewing stats relating to the number of views a video has and where those views are coming from.
However, there are a number of unique features offered by Vimeo that make it the preferred choice for many video content creators. It has a user-friendly interface and supports the ability to play full 4K Resolution videos. There is no limit on the length of video that can be uploaded and it is free of advertising.
They offer a ‘free’ hosting option for a limited amount of video uploads. They also offer four levels of ‘paid’ video hosting services. Deciding which Vimeo hosting option best suits your purposes depends on the amount of video content you intend to upload and the relevant advantages offered by their paid options (with Vimeo, the more you pay the more storage you get. Options include Plus - 5GB/week (250GB per year), Single user to Premium, Unlimited live streaming, 7TB total storage, Unlimited live viewers).
Video Privacy Option: One of the advantages that ‘Vimeo Pro’ (their most popular paid hosting option) offers relate to the option of keeping a video ‘Private’. Vimeo Pro allows the option of uploading a video and keeping it private. It is therefore only viewable on the Vimeo hosting channel – ie. to the administrator of that channel. (Note: YouTube now offers a similar privacy option.)
Then, if the preference of the video curator is to only distribute the video to a select number of viewers (for example, staff members in remote locations etc) then the video can be ‘password-protected’. The URL of the video can be emailed to the appropriate viewers, who can then proceed to view the video using the allocated password to access the content. This can prove useful for some organisations and businesses that do not wish to make the video content fully public.
Another advantage of this ‘privacy’ option applies to businesses that may limit accessibility of a video so as to only allow the video to be viewable on their company website (and not on the video hosting platform such as Vimeo or YouTube). Vimeo Pro can easily facilitate this preference. You simply keep the Vimeo hosted video set to ‘private’ (in the video ‘settings’) and embed the code on your website so that the video is only viewable there. You get all of the advantages of the Vimeo C.D.N. (Content Distribution Network) in terms of bandwidth, download speeds and quality of viewing etc but keep the viewer of the video on your company website.
Also, the fact that (unlike YouTube) the Vimeo logo is not built into Vimeo’s embedded ‘video player’ means that there in nowhere for a viewer to ‘click’ that will divert them away from your company website.
Download Option: Vimeo Pro also gives the offers a ‘Download’ option with the (public) Vimeo hosted video. (YouTube does not do this). It also provides different downloading specifications relating to the video file size and quality. This option can save the expense of burning DVDs or attempting to email very large video files (to business contacts, clients etc) that require the use of the video files.
Uploading your video to ‘FACEBOOK’
Facebook offers great potential for reaching a wider audience. You can now upload video directly to your Facebook Business page - or you can link to a YouTube Video on a Facebook post. Facebook are now actively promoting their own video hosting capacity and so posting directly to Facebook can be a good idea as FB tends to actively give preference (in terms of ranking the video content on their platform) to videos on their internal channel.
Facebook also offers great viral video potential because it provides the option to ‘share’ any content or posts in their newsfeed. Also, when someone comments on a Facebook Video the video will automatically appear on all their friends Facebook News Feed. Even if a viewer of a video on Facebook does not click ‘Share’, simply typing a comment or clicking on like will result in will the video being shared with their network of connections.
The holy grail of all social media marketing campaigns is the aim of getting your marketing message to go viral. If ‘Virality’ is achieved, the audience figures increase exponentially, thus significantly increasing reach, message impact and the potential for increased revenue for the business.
Note: HubSpot recently published a study that showed that the most likely type of media to go viral on Facebook is ‘Video’. In fact, they found that it is 12 times more likely to be shared than any other type of media content
Facebook features Auto-Play. This is where video content that has been shared will play, but with the sound muted. This makes the visual content all the more important. In order to capture the ‘would- be’ viewers, a good visual ‘hook’ to catch their attention can be very effective. Interesting and stimulating content is the key to increased views.
Use your Video to aid Sales Pitches and Product Demonstrations
If your company is in the Business to Business sector you can use your video to help demonstrate the power of your product or service when making a sales pitch face to face with individual or groups of prospect decision makers (or when making a presentation). It can be used instead of or in conjunction with Power Point presentations, which are often used to show the features of products and services and how these features can be of direct benefit to your potential or existing customers. Videos can be projected on a large screen or simply shown using your laptop computer. The power of visual communication has been shown to be extremely effective as a tool of persuasive communication.
Show Your Video at Trade Shows and Conferences
Industry Conferences and Trade Shows can present another opportunity to distribute relevant video content to help promote your company and the products and services that you offer. By showcasing your products and services in this way, you can easily and clearly differentiate your company from the competition in an engaging visual manner. If you have a stand at a tradeshow, it can be a good idea to play your video(s) on a loop in the background, which will help to grab the attention of and engage potential prospects. Video represents a very effective way of communicating what your company offers and can back up what you are discussing with interested parties. For Trade Show videos, it can be a good idea to include subtitles so that the message will be clear to the viewer regardless of any potential background noise that might be an issue at such events.
If your company has its own Business Blog, it is a great idea to embed your promotional video in blog posts (It also actually helps promote the blog by creating a deeper level of engagement). The blog itself will offer a great keyword rich format that is an ideal way to promote the video. (It can be a little more difficult with YouTube etc. to get the opportunity to have as many keywords associated with your video as you can have on your company website or on your company’s business blog). Any SEO work done on your blog will benefit your video. Conversely, as is the case with your company website, having video content on your blog will help keep viewers on your blog page longer. As time spent on the page by visitors is one of the factors in good SEO, this will help the ranking of the blog content on search engines, as it indicates interest in the page’s content. Also (as is the case with your website), the very fact that you have video content automatically gives an SEO boost to your blog.
Partnering up with some other bloggers can also be a way of further promoting your marketing content (including your promotional videos). If your video is of a high standard and is informative, entertaining and engaging, they should be happy to have such good quality video content on their blog. It’s a potential win-win situation.
If your company currently don’t have a business blog it can be an opportunity to start to write a blog, or even a series of blogs dealing with various aspects of your industry sector and the product or service you are promoting. You can integrate your video content into these various blogs.
This is a Commercial Style Showreel video exhibiting the range of Videos created by ImageLink Film & Media....Read More
This video showcases various video production projects by ImageLink Film & Media. The Showreel style video gives examples of a range of different types of Video Production Projects...Read More
This is an example of a ‘Live Event’ video that we were hired to help create for Matthew Hussey. Matthew is a top rated online celebrity and author, with over 1.6 million followers ...Read More

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Tel: ( 01 ) 902 3549, ( 086 ) 1688 901 | Fax: ( 01 ) 963 0059 | Email: info@irishbusinessvideo.com
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